Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9/8/15 Guests Mark Normand, Joe List, 'Larry the Cable Guy'

They talk about having so much more vacation time that they could use or they'll lose it, Opie puking on the way to work Thursday and having to call out sick, Jimmy details his cryogenic experiences, Opie's recent goof video that's been pissing people off, a documentaty about the old Atari home video game system, and Jimmy talks about a trip to Toronto to do a big comedy show.

Mark Normand and his podcast partner Joe List join the show. They talk more about the Toronto trip because Mark went too, Joe tells them about his STD's, and they listen to audio of Damon Wayons defending Bill Cosby recently on a radio show.

They talk about the dentist who killed Cecil the Lion, a marching band that did a formation which looks like a penis going into a mouth, they start to listen to audio of Tom Brady's father calling a sports radio show to defend his son, and "Larry the Cable Guy" unexpectedly pops in for a few moments.

They get into talking about a Jackson Brown song, a highschool football player diving into a referee after a bad call, a Canadian politician who urinated in a cup in someone's house, Mark tells some stories about growing up in New Orleans, and they talk about a fat-shaming video that YouTube removed.

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